25 May 2009


I like being able to write things in here when I am feeling something is worth jotting down and not having some schedule for writing. Not sure how the above photo corresponds to this post. I know it does somehow. I took it about 2 years ago, I think looking at it right now and how it relates to my feelings, it most likely sums up the character of my emotions.

At this point in life I feel like I have so many memories & regrets scattered all through out my heart and head. At different times I feel different things and retreat to a certain memory and just live there for a little bit. I am thinking of one in particular...

A few years ago I had the privilege to live in Europe. While there I met one of the closest and most genuine friends I have. Whether she knows it or not she shaped a lot of who I am today in that short 5 months I spent there. On a regular basis we would stay up late into the night by the fireplace and talk. We had the most attractive and stimulating conversations I can recall having. It wasn't the atmosphere of the room or the smell of wood burning that carved it's way into my memory. It was her winsome disposition that made hours seem like minutes and minuscule conversations relevant.

Lately I've found my self dazing into those moments and feeling more at home than I have at times these last few months. I guess that's how I operate to a certain extent. I know I have these perfect moments in my mind that will never leave me and I can always go there and muster up just a small amount of what I felt when I was there. That is a very good thing I believe.


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